
“future signs of obesity”

More behavior-wise, but anyone who already overeats. Metabolism slows with age, and hunger usually won't.
2 years

“future signs of obesity”

Nothing is guaranteed of course, but some observations I've made, which seem to increase the odds and likelihood of this. However, one could have one or more of these, and it won't necessarily happen.

- If one or both parents are very large but the individual is somehow not. The saying "make sure you meet a lady's mother because that's close to what you'll be stuck with in 25-40 years" very much holds true here.

- As the OP said, if there's already a bit of flab already, so that person is far less likely to be self-conscious.

- The individual dislikes very intensive cardio activity. Gym activity is more likely to include strength training, if the individual goes to the gym at all.

- The individual owns one, or even no pairs of sneakers.

- Those who prefer calorie laden, fattening foods.

- Those who like to party. Not all alcoholic beverages are loaded with calories, but some are. Regardless, they tend to be in addition to whatever food, and this can sometimes inspire late-night hunger.

- Anyone with a background from the Deep South, due to a higher degree of acceptance and food being a central part of the overall culture.

- Anyone in a physically sedentary, or mostly sedentary job, where the taxing aspect of the job is not physical. This includes most office jobs, most jobs in education, and many drivers and heavy equipment operators of various sorts.

- Some individuals respond to stress by eating more.

- Having small children cuts into time that could be used for cardio, and can increase stress sometimes. See previous.

- Small children increases the overall presence of snack and junk food, which you will inadvertently eat more of. Combine this with additional eating and snacking on the run.

- Individuals who live in the suburbs and face a long daily commute. No time for the gym, eating and snacking on the run.

- Individuals who telecommute regularly, since almost by definition, this has to be a desk job.

- Someone who likes to get fast food often, perhaps even weekly or more often.

- Anyone with a major sweet tooth.

- Often engaging in activities that may be more focused around food. For example, cooking classes.

- Anyone who engages in shift work long term (outside of regular business hours).

- Working long hours may encourage snacking and eating on the run.

- Those who really, really get into cooking and baking. There's some exceptions but for the most part, in general they tend to be heavier.

- Preferred leisure activities are mostly or entirely sedentary.

- An unwillingness to regularly wear clothes that are too tight. This could mean the individual doesn't expect to lose weight anytime soon, if ever.

There's probably a lot more. This is just what I came up with off the top of my head.
2 years